Browsing For Films


There are two ways to browse Feature Films.

  1. Using the Home Page (for more details, see help article: Home Page Overview)
  2. Using the Browse Menu




To get started click on MENU, on the upper right-hand corner of each page. This will provide you with two options.

  • Browse Genres
  • Browse All Titles



Clicking on Browse Genres will bring you to a new page that provides an index of all Genres that are offered. Clicking on one of the Genres will bring you to a list of corresponding titles. This page is similar to the Search Results page (for more details, see help article: Searching for Films) and will allow you to scroll through all available films within that genre, as well as utilize the filtering options to further refine your search.




Clicking on Browse All Titles will bring you to a new page that provides a full index of all of the Feature Films that are available. These display in alphabetical order and can be further refined on the page by Genre or MPAA Rating.

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